Faculty Details

Faculty Details

  • Name: Prof. Kota Arun Kumar
  • Mail: kaksluohyd.ac.in
  • Contact:
  • Area Of Research:Understanding the biology of Plasmodium liver stage and mosquito stages by reverse genetics
Dr. Kota Arun Kumar is currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Animal Biology, School of Life Sciences. University of Hyderabad. He graduated (PhD) from Dept of Animal Sciences, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad (1997-2002) where he studied the pathophysiology of murine cerebral malaria.  He obtained his post doctoral training from New York University School of Medicine, USA, where he studied the mechanism of protective immune responses against the pre-erythocytic stages of Plasmodium using rodent malaria model. At University of Hyderabad, his research group aims at understanding  the biology of Plasmodium liver stages and mosquito stages by approaches of reverse genetics. His work has demonstrated that targeting sporozoite specific genes can yield mutants that experience a block in liver, thus preventing clinical malaria. In addition depletion of parasite specific metabolic enzymes and proteases  yielded mutants that failed to  transmit malaria. These finding have implications for developing whole organism attenuated vaccine for pre-erythrocytic stages and prospects for developing  transmission blocking agents to eradicate malaria.
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1 (1977) , , , ,,,.
Title Year Duration Amount(In Lakhs) PI/I
Host-virus interactions - SERB 2018 3 550000000000 Dr. M. Venkataramana/ Co PI - Dr. Kota Arun Kumar, Department of Animal Biology